#Golfchat Theme Week: Putting

Chat news:

  • Last call for this month’s submissions for the #Golfchat Authors page! January’s topic is “Alternatives to 18 Holes”, but any content on any topic is welcome. If you have a pitch or a piece to submit, get in touch with Jeremy at @connectgolf.
  • The #back9 version of #Golfchat had a successful first week! If you can’t make the Tuesday night chat, check in on Wednesdays at 11 am central for another chance to answer the questions. And don’t forget to thank @tonyjdear for stepping up and making the new chat time possible!

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2: Do you tend to miss more putts long or short?

#Q3: What is your go-to putting aid?

#Q4: Do you have a consistent pre-shot routine for putts? If not, why not?

#Q5: How can you improve when you feel you have hit a handicap plateau?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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