Fudging the Rules in #Golfchat

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @ReadyPutt: What was the funniest thing you saw at the Waste Management/Phoenix Open?

#Q3 from anonymous: Does playing different golf courses help or hurt your golf game?

#Q4 from @ZebWelborn: What golf rule(s) do you fudge on?

#Q5 from @gol4life22: How many indoor golfing facilities do you have access to?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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Heating Up In #Golfchat

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @Jdres15: What do you do to gain swing speed? Or what has helped you gain swing speed?

#Q3 from anonymous: What does your typical practice session look like?

#Q4 from @1beardedgolfer: How many (if any) alternative putting grips have you tried and used on the course?

#Q5 from anonymous: What is the lowest/highest temperature that will prevent you from going for a round of golf?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!
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Going Low in #Golfchat

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @Zzondlo2: What do you focus on more, line or speed?

#Q3 from @Alanfairweather: Thoughts on the Ryder Cup captains? What about a playing captain?

#Q4 from anonymous: How do you stay mentally tough?

#Q5 from @Jdres15: What would be your first tee entrance song?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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#Golfchat Theme Week: Putting

Chat news:

  • Last call for this month’s submissions for the #Golfchat Authors page! January’s topic is “Alternatives to 18 Holes”, but any content on any topic is welcome. If you have a pitch or a piece to submit, get in touch with Jeremy at @connectgolf.
  • The #back9 version of #Golfchat had a successful first week! If you can’t make the Tuesday night chat, check in on Wednesdays at 11 am central for another chance to answer the questions. And don’t forget to thank @tonyjdear for stepping up and making the new chat time possible!

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2: Do you tend to miss more putts long or short?

#Q3: What is your go-to putting aid?

#Q4: Do you have a consistent pre-shot routine for putts? If not, why not?

#Q5: How can you improve when you feel you have hit a handicap plateau?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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Seeing Double in #Golfchat

We’re doubling down on the fastest hour in golf.

Starting this week, we’re adding a second hour of #Golfchat to your regularly scheduled programming. The new installment (the #back9, if you will) is a repeat of the questions from Tuesday night, taking place on Wednesdays at 11 am central time. Chatter @tonyjdear will be on deck to amuse and entertain, and the questions will be served up from the @realGolfchat account.

In other news, we are now taking submissions for the #Golfchat Authors page from all interested writers. We have a topic each month – “Alternatives to 18 Holes” this month – but any content on any topic is welcome to keep to ideas flowing. If you have a pitch or a piece to submit, get in touch with Jeremy at @connectgolf.

Congrats to @connectgolf on his first ace to take place outside a mini golf course.


#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @TheGratefulGolf: What do you have to focus on the most to lower your handicap in 2017?

#Q3 from @public_golfer: How do you gather stats on the strengths and weaknesses of your game?

#Q4 from anonymous: What holds you back from getting golf instruction?

#Q5 from @TheGratefulGolf: If you could change any single club for free, what would it be and why?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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New Year, New #Golfchat

Happy New Year, Chatters!

We’re excited to get 2017 rolling with a new and improved #Golfchat! To start, tonight’s chat will be the first hosted by the new @realGolfchat Twitter account.

Other improvements: We’re looking to host a second chat for those of you who can’t make Tuesday nights. The tentative time slot is early afternoon on Saturdays, but we’ll make an announcement as soon as the details are ironed out.

Also, we’re deepening the pool of talent for the #Golfchat Authors page: we’ll be accepting submissions at any time on any golf topic. We do have guidelines – originality being the key – but we’re excited to get more voices and content on the page. Shoot a quick message to Jeremy (@connectgolf) to get your submission in the mix.

Lastly, congrats to all the 2016 #Chatties winners, and thanks to everyone who sponsored, nominated and voted!

Favorite Chatter: @golfbandwagoner
Funniest Chatter: @JDres15
Most Valuable Chatter: @golfbandwagoner
Growing Golf Award: @tiffchaisson
Best Playing Partner: @bowdo83
Most Active Chatter: @ShawnBell
Best Blog: @1beardedgolfer // onebeardedgolfer.com
Best Podcast: @GolfUnfiltered
Best Instructor: @h2cgolf
Best #Golfchat Questions: @ShawnBell
Favorite #Golfchat Author: @golfbandwagoner
#Golfchat Lifetime Achievement Award: Ryan from @Front9Back9

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @3sticksCGCS: As a golfer or professional, do you use social media to address customer service issues?

#Q3 from @TheGratefulGolf: Do you have a 2017 golf plan to improve your game?

#Q4 from @ZebWelborn: What was your MOST memorable round of golf and why was it so memorable?

#Q5: What are the top three things you look for in a potential instructor?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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The Final #Golfchat of 2016

The #Chatties results are in!

…but you’ll have to join us for #Golfchat to find out the winners. We’ll announce them live during the chat from the new @realGolfchat Twitter account.

A few other notes: per the #Golfchat survey, we have some new changes coming your way for 2017. The first of which is running the chat from the @realGolfchat Twitter account starting January 3. Some other improvements are in the hopper – a weekend chat time for those who can’t do Tuesdays, getting more chatters on board, etc. – and we’ll keep you updated as those happen.

In the meantime, happy 2017 from the #Golfchat crew!


#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @crissb: What new courses on (realistically) on your agenda for 2017?

#Q3 from @GetawaysGolf: What’s the highest score you’ve ever carded on a hole?

#Q4 from @1beardedgolfer: How long does it take you to get accustomed with new golf clubs?

#Q5 from @ZebWelborn: What’s the best tip you’ve ever received to become a better putter?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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#Golfchat Votes and Vetoes

It’s time for the #Chatties!

Firstly, a big thanks to everyone who filled out the #Golfchat survey. We’ve been looking at ways to incorporate your suggestions into the chat, and remove the things you aren’t loving.

Secondly, all you lovely golf nuts nominated your fellow chatters for the second annual #Golfchat Awards last week, and the lists are in. We’ll be casting votes this week and announcing the winners live during our chat on 12/27.

The official list of nominees is here – cast those votes and don’t be afraid to (shamelessly) campaign for yourself if you’re in the running!

Prize sponsors this year include Bridgestone Golf, ReadyPutt, designs from @McTwentyTwo and more on deck!

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @ZebWelborn: Do you use the same club around the greens or a variation of clubs?

#Q3 from @1beardedgolfer: Do you ask your pro for drills or exercises to do during winter to improve your game?

#Q4 from @garcelon: Which apps, websites and/or social media platforms do you check frequently or use to interact with other golfers?

#Q5 from @golfbandwagoner: If you could submit a write-in award for the #Chatties, what would it be and who would win?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!

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#Golfchat Bests

Get ready for the #Golfchat Awards!

Last year, we hosted the first annual #Golfchat Awards (AKA, the #Chatties) as a way to recognize our most engaged, active and amusing chatters. We nominated, we shamelessly campaigned and we awarded the winners some golf swag as a thank you for being awesome.

Not to be outdone, the second annual #Chatties are getting underway! We just need your help to nominate the #Golfchat participants who you think best fit each category.

Check out the categories here and happy nominating!

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2: Have a great golf photo/video? Please share it with us!

#Q3 from @ShawnBell: What place stands out as your favorite golf experience?

#Q4 from @golfbandwagoner: What is your record for number of consecutive days/rounds played?

#Q5 from @3sticksCGCS: Thoughts, opinions or lessons learned on TopGolf? Has/will it help grow the game?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions!

We need your input to keep #Golfchat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!
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Making #GolfChat Great Again

No, we’re not talking politics…

As many of you know, we’re making some small tweaks to the chat to improve your experience and make it easier for new chatters to join the fun. The first of the changes was Cassie Norris (@golfbandwagoner) taking the reins, and so far she’s enjoying her position as #GolfChat headmistress.

The next few changes will include a standalone #GolfChat Twitter account, an end to Surprise Chats since you’ve made it clear you like seeing the questions coming, and a new submission process for the #GolfChat Authors site (YOU get a byline, YOU get a byline, EVERYBODY GETS A BYLINE!).

While that’s all dandy, we’re very interested in your thoughts. Please take a couple minutes to fill out this survey to give us honest feedback and how we’re doing and what you’d like to see improved.

Here’s the link again for the chatters in the back: http://bit.ly/GolfChatSurvey

#GolfChat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week? #GolfChat

#Q2: Have a great golf photo/video? Please share it with us! #GolfChat

#Q3 from @09lisa18: What are your expectations for Tiger in his return to golf? #GolfChat

#Q4 from @ZebWelborn: How often do you swing as hard as you possibly can? #GolfChat

#Q5 from @ShawnBell: How much does the course condition play into how you view your experience as being favorable or not? #GolfChat

#Q6 from @golfbandwagoner: What is the worst golf gift you’ve ever given/received? #GolfChat

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week? #GolfChat

Submit and vote for #GolfChat questions!

We need your input to keep #GolfChat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

Vote and submit HERE!
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