Paying For Pros in #Golfchat

#Golfchat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?

#Q2 from @TheGratefulGolf: If you are in a two-person scramble, should you hit first or last? Why?

#Q3 from @connectgolf: What is a reasonable price to pay for an hour of a pro’s time?

#Q4 from @tonyjdear: What’s your biggest difference between two consecutive rounds?

#Q5 from @TheGratefulGolf: Do you carry, push or ride when playing? Is there a good time for each?

#Q19: What would you like us to check out this week?

Submit and vote for #Golfchat questions and themes!

We need your input to keep the chat fresh! Let us know what you want to talk about with your fellow chatters.

June theme: Buddy Trips
July theme: Practice Routines

Vote and submit HERE!

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