What Time Should Our Second Hour of #GolfChat Be?
During our last #GolfChat we proposed having another hour of #GolfChat on Tuesdays in addition to 5pm PST so others who can’t make that time slot can still participate . . . especially our European friends as #GolfChat takes place in the middle of the night.
We held this survey last week during #GolfChat (See Below).

13 of 25 voters requested more #GolfChat, so in the next few weeks we will be having a 2nd #GolfChat every Tuesday . . . (and we had 2 people who said they hated #GolfChat. How can anyone hate #GolfChat?)
I chose 10am at random and wanted to give you all a chance to vote for the time we should have #GolfChat so look for our survey during #GolfChat this week to vote for the time our 2nd #GolfChat should be. The time with the most votes will be our 2nd hour of #GolfChat from here on out.
#GolfChat Questions – 2/9/16
#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week? #GolfChat
#Q2 submitted by @1beardedgolfer: When you plan on walking and the rest of your group rides, do you walk or ride? #GolfChat
#Q3 submitted by @johnkim: Any trepidation when getting paired up with a member(s) of the opposite sex? #GolfChat
#Q4 submitted by @aclevergirl: What would make a great golf gift to give for Valentine’s Day? #GolfChat
#Q5 submitted by @RippedLinksTour: How can we grow the game in 2016 and connect with #Millenials who dismiss golf as too hard, expensive and time consuming? #GolfChat
#Q6 submitted by @cridings1: Who has a very unique way to mark their golf ball? How do you mark yours? #GolfChat
Bonus Request by @GreenskeeperOrg: Will you ask a friend that does not golf to promise to join you for a round of golf, your treat? #GolfChat #Pledge
New #GolfChat Blog Post:
As golf envisions recovery, analysts warn more focus on customer service
@tonyjdear wrote this great article from some ideas analysts shared from the PGA Show last week. In reading the article, I was speed reading and thinking to myself, “Wow, this guy really knows what he’s talking about.”
Turns out it’s because @tonyjdear was quoting me. Great article Tony! – http://thegolfnewsnet.com/tonydear/2016/02/06/golf-envisions-recovery-analysts-warn-focus-customer-service-15921/
#GolfChat is Blowing Up
Multiple #GolfChat Award Winner, Ryan Young wrote this article on his one year #GolfChat Anniversary.
Check it out – #GolfChat Anniversary: Reflections From a Year of Golf Fun
Epic Golf Games
A big shout out and thank you to @epicgolfgames who sent this my way.
EPIC GOLF GAMES: The Putting Edition. EPIC Journey.

These cards are designed to help your putting game and I think they offer cards to help other aspects of your golf game.
Bridgestone Golf
Thank you to the entire @bridgestonegolf team for being so supportive of #GolfChat. Not only did they donate the #GolfChat Awards, (which I’m sending in the mail tomorrow to the winners) they also sent me the #BestBallEver with some funky signature on it.
Can anyone tell me whose signature this is?
They also sent me an extremely nice note which said lots of nice things, but mostly just said how awesome I am. Oh . . . and how awesome #GolfChat is.
Golf Chatter Bio: @crissb

Real Name: Criss Titschinger
Location: The Nati (Cincinnati, OH)
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
Bourbon or craft beer, but not during play. At the 19th hole.
One of my old favorites is pure Kentucky and simple: Ale-8-1 ginger ale and bourbon (Maker’s Mark is a go-to), with a maraschino cherry and a bit of the cherry juice.
Go to beers are IPAs. Bell’s Hopslam is a seasonal that just got released (in Feb.), much to the chagrin of my wallet and liver.
How Did You Get Into Golf?
Despite living on a par 3 course my entire youth, the bug didn’t hit until a non-golf trip to Kiawah Island when I was 21. After driving by many different courses that week, I decided to splurge and play Cougar Point. I played like crap, but I was hooked. Also, I just liked the look of golf courses, so GolfClubAtlas.com has a lot to do with me picking up a club as well.
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
Isn’t that a great question!? What the hell am I doing with this game?! Spending thousands of hours and dollars on a frustrating and impossible sport. Right now, I just play. A few years ago, I had a larger role in an amateur golf tour around Cincinnati (OVGA Tour), where I wrote code for and maintained their website. I have dreams of writing more golf web applications in the future, but my current commitments and love of sleep keep me from doing so. I have a blog (http://oinkgolf.wordpress.com), but I’m rearranging the format at the moment.
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
I’m open to pretty much every topic. My sweet spots are equipment and golf course architecture, but I enjoy talking about the tours as well.
Favorite Golf Quote?
You must be putting with batteries, because that was a D-Cell. – Me
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
I don’t have a particular favorite as much as a bucket list. Those include Northern Ireland (RCD, Portrush), Melbourne, AUS (Royal Melbourne, Metropolitan, Kingston Heath, Victoria), Bandon, Cabot, and many more!
I do think an under-the-radar golf destination is Minnesota. Great public golf and relatively accessible clubs. I’ve been to World Woods in Florida twice and enjoyed both courses there. I also enjoyed my time in New Mexico playing two of that state’s best, Black Mesa and Paa-Ko Ridge.
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
Professionally, the game is fine. For the rest of us, I do think the death of golf conversation is a bit premature. Supply outgrew demand, and a necessary contraction was in order.
That being said, there are some things that need to either change or evolve. Club manufacturers need to think about their release cycles and how much product they’re putting into market. Players need to adjust their agronomy expectations (i.e. brown is not always bad and green/lush isn’t always good). Pros and courses need ways to attract and keep people at least interested in the game.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
I haven’t really been on here too long to be able to answer that. I know @onebeardedgolfer from golfkentuckylinks.com, and it’s his #GolfChat tweets that got me aware and interested. I also enjoy @bndwaggnersbd2golf unique perspective. Looking forward to getting to know more of the community.
Favorite Golfers and Why?
Ryan Moore and Paula Creamer, I suppose. Ryan Moore because he seems like the constant underdog, but is always there in the big events. He also had an amateur career on par with Jack and Tiger, so he has that going for him. Paula Creamer because of her tenacity on the course; and she’s cute (judge me; don’t care). I was there first-hand for her dismantlement of Laura Davies 7&5 at the 2005 Solheim Cup. I’m hoping she finds her game again in 2016.
Of the young guys, it’s hard not to like Spieth and Fowler.
Also Wes Homan, who’s a Cincinnati guy and (now) married to one of my former work colleagues. He’s won on the Canadian Tour, top 10’d on the Web.com Tour, and has multiple Monday qualifiers into PGA Tour events. I pull for him every tournament he’s in.
Ricky Potts supports #GolfChat by posting our weekly questions to his Google+ GOLF Community. Ricky is hosting a golf tournament called #TheOven16 in the Phoenix Area in June.
For more information about #TheOven16, please go here – http://rickyleepotts.com/theoven16

Weekly Reminders
Do you have updates to share with the #GolfChat community. Email me with the cool things you’ve been up to and I’ll be sure to share those with our #GolfChat members!
Comment below if you have any comments, questions, or ideas as it pertains to #GolfChat.
Learn more about some of my Top 82 Golf Twitter Accounts to follow in 2015 – http://19thholemedia.com/top-82-golf-twitter-accounts-follow-2015/
Want to get more involved with #GolfChat and be notified via email about upcoming #GolfChat’s and opportunities. Sign up for the #GolfChat newsletter! – https://welborn.leadpages.net/golfchat/
Do You Have Any Suggestions for #GolfChat Questions? Share Them With Us!
Join us weekly for #GolfChat, every Tuesday at 5pm PST!
For more information about how to participate in #GolfChat, please check out this article – How to Participate in #GolfChat Twitter Chat – http://19thholemedia.com/how-to-participate-in-the-golfchat-twitter-chat/
New #GolfChat Calendar:
1st #GolfChat of the Month = Surprise #GolfChat
2nd, 4th and 5th #GolfChat of the Month = Regular #GolfChat
3rd #GolfChat of the Month = Themed #GolfChat