Zeb’s First #GolfChat Outing
I know many of you have had a chance to play with one another after meeting on #GolfChat. Last Friday was my first round playing with fellow #GolfChatters @GetawaysGolf and @Golfbybryan at Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club.
Had a great time golfing with these guys.
New #GolfChat Blog Post
Turns out I will be attending the Golf Industry Show in San Diego during February as I’ve recently aligned myself with REALiTEE GOLF. As #GolfChatters, I respect you greatly and would value your thoughts on REALiTEE GOLF.
Please check out their website and shoot me an email letting me know what you think to Zeb@19thHoleMedia.com.
#GolfChat Questions – 1/25/16
#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week? #GolfChat
#Q2 submitted by @1beardedgolfer: For those of us not in SoCal, do you have an off-season golf plan, or do you just countdown the days until the next season? #GolfChat
#Q3 submitted by @SuzyfromFlorida: Should the LPGA have their own Masters tournament at Augusta National every year? #GolfChat
#Q4 submitted by
@Essientially1: Why do so few average golfers take lessons? #GolfChat
#Q5 submitted by @seanmrivers: What courses are you planning on playing in 2016? #GolfChat
#Q6 submitted by @JordanWenck: in what circumstances do you refuse to let a lady play the red tees? #GolfChat
Bonus Question by @tonydear for PGA Show Attendees: Which product created the most buzz at Demo Day? #GolfChat
Our #GolfChat Questions will go live on our NEW #GolfChat website tonight at midnight, so make sure you submit your #GolfChat Questions on golf instruction.
Golf Chatter Bio: @1beardedgolfer

Real Name: Dave Hill
Location: Lexington, KY
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
Give me an Arnold Palmer, with homemade lemonade and iced tea so sweet it makes your teeth hurt.
If you’re toasting (or roasting) me, you should probably do it with an Old-Fashioned in your hand.
How Did You Get Into Golf?
My baseball career ended at my high school graduation, so I needed something to do. My brother’s J.C. Snead Northwestern clubs were holding up the corner of the garage, so I gave golf a try. Coincidentally, that was the summer of 1997, right about the time Tiger Woods was making golf look really fun. A few orange wiffle balls later, I was hooked pretty quickly and deeply.
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
I write a golf blog at OneBeardedGolfer.com to chronicle my adventures; it helps get the crazy out of the system.
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
I could go for weeks like a lunatic about the USGA’s ruling on solo rounds. There’s plenty of real media covering professional golf, so I get juiced on stuff affecting amateur players, both casual and serious.
Favorite Golf Quote?
Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle – origin unknown, but probably a fuzzy-faced Scot.
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
Kapalua is a truly special place, and I had the experience of a lifetime at Harbour Town, but I’ve probably had the most fun on the Alabama RTJ Trail.
This year I got to play a PGA Tour (Lakes at Grand National a week after the tournament) and LPGA Tour (Senator at Capitol Hill three weeks before the tournament) host course in near tournament conditions. THAT was truly fun.
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
I think golf is okay (http://wp.me/P4bZVl-rn for a longer version of my thoughts). The “Tiger Woods” effect caused an industry-wide bubble, which meant a lot of pain for stakeholders as we got back to normal. The game may be lost on “millennials,” but I see a lot of young kids at the golf course. Medium and long term, I think the game is fine.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
Jim @TheGratefulGolfer was my first regular blog reader, and I’ve enjoyed his writing & comments since then.
Steve @dressergolf always has good & witty insights that I value from an instructor’s and professional’s point of view.
And I think Kelly @h2cgolf may be my curmudgeonly kindred spirit that always seems to illicit a chuckle.
Favorite Golfers and Why?
I love watching Zach Johnson play: he’s a shortish hitter & technician that absolutely grinds to get the most out of his game, and uses short-game magic when that’s not enough.
And I’m a homer for all the Kentucky guys (JB Holmes, Josh Teater, Justin Thomas, Russ Cochran (Jr. & III), Steve Flesch, Kenny Perry).
Ricky Potts supports #GolfChat by posting our weekly questions to his Google+ GOLF Community. Ricky is hosting a golf tournament called #TheOven16 in the Phoenix Area in June.
For more information about #TheOven16, please go here – http://rickyleepotts.com/theoven16

Weekly Reminders
Do you have updates to share with the #GolfChat community. Email me with the cool things you’ve been up to and I’ll be sure to share those with our #GolfChat members!
Comment below if you have any comments, questions, or ideas as it pertains to #GolfChat.
Learn more about some of my Top 82 Golf Twitter Accounts to follow in 2015 – http://19thholemedia.com/top-82-golf-twitter-accounts-follow-2015/
Want to get more involved with #GolfChat and be notified via email about upcoming #GolfChat’s and opportunities. Sign up for the #GolfChat newsletter! – https://welborn.leadpages.net/golfchat/
Do You Have Any Suggestions for #GolfChat Questions? Share Them With Us!
Join us weekly for #GolfChat, every Tuesday at 5pm PST!