Surprise #GolfChat Week
During our last #GolfChat we had some #GolfChatters complaining that they hated surprises and therefore hated surprise #GolfChat so I ran a poll to determine the consensus of our fellow #GolfChatters.
Here are the results:
Eighty-two percent of those who voted said they love #GolfChat surprises, so for those of you that hate it, I’m sorry but majority rules.
Also, I do like to get questions from Periscope from #GolfChatters who don’t normally ask questions so, although I’m inviting you to ask questions on Periscope, it’s not necessary to participate. It only helps make our #GolfChat questions a bigger surprise.
If you want to submit surprise questions for Tuesday’s #GolfChat, make sure you look me up on Periscope around 4:30pm to get in your #GolfChat questions.
Should We Add a Second Hour to #GolfChat?
One problem with only having #GolfChat at 5pm PST is that not everyone can participate . . . especially our European friends as #GolfChat takes place in the middle of the night.
In our #GolfChat survey at the end of last year, there were several requests to have another #GolfChat at another time.
To accomodate those who can’t make it at 5pm PST, we’re considering having another #GolfChat at 10am PST on Tuesdays. My intention is to pose the same questions in each #GolfChat.
Look for our poll at the beginning of #GolfChat to determine whether or not to add a 2nd hour to #GolfChat.
New #GolfChat Blog Post:
#GolfChat is Blowing Up
Multiple #GolfChat Award Winner, Ryan Young wrote this article on his one year #GolfChat Anniversary.
Check it out – #GolfChat Anniversary: Reflections From a Year of Golf Fun
Epic Golf Games
A big shout out and thank you to @epicgolfgames who sent this my way.
EPIC GOLF GAMES: The Putting Edition. EPIC Journey.
These cards are designed to help your putting game and I think they offer cards to help other aspects of your golf game.
Bridgestone Golf
Thank you to the entire @bridgestonegolf team for being so supportive of #GolfChat. Not only did they donate the #GolfChat Awards, (which I’m sending in the mail tomorrow to the winners) they also sent me the #BestBallEver with some funky signature on it.
Can anyone tell me whose signature this is?
They also sent me an extremely nice note which said lots of nice things, but mostly just said how awesome I am. Oh . . . and how awesome #GolfChat is.
Zeb’s First #GolfChat Outing
I know many of you have had a chance to play with one another after meeting on #GolfChat. Last Friday was my first round playing with fellow #GolfChatters @GetawaysGolf and @Golfbybryan at Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club.
Had a great time golfing with these guys.

New #GolfChat Blog Post
Is Anyone Going to the Golf Industry Show in San Diego?
Turns out I will be attending the Golf Industry Show in San Diego during February as I’ve recently aligned myself with REALiTEE GOLF. As #GolfChatters, I respect you greatly and would value your thoughts on REALiTEE GOLF.
Please check out their website and shoot me an email letting me know what you think to

Golf Chatter Bio: @JimmyF1985 aka @tgrgolftraveler
Real Name: Jimmy Ferguson
Location: Greenville, SC
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
Depends on the day. I like craft beer and will sample some of that if the course has it. If it’s a warm day I may go with a Transfusion. That’s one part Vodka, one part ginger ale, and one part grape juice. Preferably with crushed ice and a lime wedge. Grape juice seems to only be available at golf courses!
How Did You Get Into Golf?
My grandfather started me in the game. I was nine years old and spending my summers in New Hampshire. He likes to say it was to keep me out of trouble! I have played ever since.
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
Well I played high school golf for four years and college golf for a semester and a half. After my college playing experience went South I lost the passion for the game. I snapped out of that after about 6 months. Now I have embarked on a quest to play the Top 100 courses in America (4 lists). You can check out course tours and my other random thoughts on my blog at
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
Anything related to golf travel of course. I also enjoy items affecting amateurs just like @1beardedgolfer! There is such a wealth of opinions in #golfchat and I really enjoy seeing them.
Favorite Golf Quote?
“What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive.” – Arnold Palmer
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
As far as places I have been I would have to say either Pebble Beach or Pinehurst. The variety is so good. Now where I want to go, Scotland and Ireland!
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
I think it’s demise is greatly exaggerated. Sure, there has been a market correction because we built waaaayyy to many courses. I think once that stabilizes things will be good. I always seem to see a lot of people playing. However, the more efforts courses can make to offer alternatives to full 18 hole rounds the better. Some money for 6 holes is better than none at all.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
Jim @TheGratefulGolfer is so positive that it is infectious. He came to my blog early and I am very grateful for that.
Dave @1beardedgolfer is always quick with an opinion and has great stuff to offer the chat and on his website.
Darin @GetawaysGolf adds a lot to the conversation and has some stunning pictures on Twitter and Instagram!
Also @golfismental for his travel stories, @36aday for many reasons, and @ReGripped for his Cypress quest.
There really are too many to name!
Favorite Golfers and Why?
Tiger Woods – I was 12 when he won the 1997 Masters. He is and always will be the best to me. I hope he can have a late career turnaround. For all the Jack loyalists, this is not meant as a dig.
Jordan Spieth – What’s not to like?
Rickie Fowler – Not a huge guy, but plays like he is. Fun to watch and love his attitude. Seems genuinely like a good guy.
Many others, I dislike very few and like a lot.