Golf Chatter Bio: @MikeintheCouv

Real Name: Mike
Location: Portland
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
I live near Beervana, the land where hoppiness is king…and I’m an anti-hop guy. So I look for red ales, black lagers, and porters post round. Or, set a Goose & tonic in front of me and you’ll have my undivided attention for six minutes or until the glass is empty, whichever comes first.
How Did You Get Into Golf?
Went to the range with Dad when I was 8 or 9. He borrowed a LH club from the pro shop for me to use. After ~10 minutes of “lessons”, Dad, frustrated by not being able to figure the whole mirror image thing said, “Screw it, turn around!” So, I play right handed. lol
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
Tried really hard to make it in the golf business (retail). The 2008 recession killed a lot of dreams….including ours.
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
I have no hot button topics, but I love seeing (and learning) that there are 47 or 84 or 115 different opinions to the same question.
Favorite Golf Quote?
“Hit it hard, it will land somewhere.” – Mark Calcavecchia
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
My bucket list is to play around Ireland. But playing golf in Banff and Jasper, AB was absolutely outstanding.
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
I think the golf industry is being cannibalized from the inside by the equipment manufacturers. Too many releases, too high of price points. They aren’t helping to drive new people to the game…in fact, probably the opposite. Related, the “buying programs’ manufacturers require retailers to accept is the death of the brick and mortar golf shop.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
Can’t name names or I’ll leave someone out and feel bad. About 3 seconds after I joined Twitter I discovered how widespread the golf community was on here….and I was hooked. I’ve been lucky enough to meet & play with a dozen or so Tweeps so far (I know that’s number for many of you, and that’s great! Glad people are connecting!) and I can’t wait to tee it up with more of you. Thanks Zeb and Jeremy for putting this together.
Favorite Golfers and Why?
My all time favorite PGA pro is Skip Kendall. But it’s a two-beer story to tell. |