#GolfChat Wish List

How much golf stuff is on your wish list? Is a hole-in-one the same anywhere? How much is too much to pay for winterized greens? These questions and more this week on #GolfChat!  5 PM PST (click this link to get your local time)

This Week’s #GolfChat Questions


Q1: It’s Tuesday! What has you excited about golf this week? #GolfChat

Q2: This Friday and next Monday are big shopping days for Christmas. @1beardedgolfer asks “What percentage of your Christmas wish list is golf related? ” #GolfChat

Q3: @GolfLRE asks “Has @b_dechambeau1’s recent success on Tour made you add single length clubs to your Christmas wishlist? Have you considered learning his single plane swing?” #GolfChat

Q4: @jamesrtaft wants to know “Should a hole in one on a par-3 course be celebrated the same as one on a full course?” #GolfChat

Q5: @TiburonNaples hosted the @CMEGroupLPGA last week and will host the @QBEshootout in 2 weeks. @rickyleepotts wants to know “How did the course looked on TV? What are your thoughts on a facility hosting multiple Tour events?” #GolfChat

Q6: @InvisibleGolfer asks “How much would you be willing to pay for 18 holes on winter/temporary greens?” #GolfChat


Tips for good #Golfchat:

1. Follow @realGolfchat and the hashtag #GolfChat.
2. Retweet the questions to spread the #Golfchat love.
3. Follow other #Golfchatters and follow back if they follow you.
4. Ask us questions for next week!

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