We’re now up to 74 subscribers on the #GolfChat email list . . . hoping we get to 100 very soon. Have some exciting things planned in 2016 for #GolfChat . . . #Hint = #Q4.
Today’s #GolfChat Bio is from @rickyleepotts. Ricky doesn’t jump into #GolfChat too often but does promote #GolfChat in his Google+ GOLF Community and chimes into #GolfChat discussions when he can. He also creates a new #GolfChat graphic each week like this one.

#GolfChat Questions
#GolfChat Outing 2016
#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week?
#Q2 submitted by @1beardedgolfer: Are you superstitious about the tees you use? Wood or plastic? Tall, short, or some of both? Painted/colored v. unpainted? #GolfChat
#Q3 submitted by @h2cgolf: Do you prefer day light saving time or standard time? #GolfChat
#Q4 submitted by @ReGripped: We have such fun chatting, how about playing together? Anyone interested in a #golfchat outting in SoCal in 2016?
#Q5 submitted by @Front9Back9: Would you have issues with changing the rule on the PGA Tour to allow players to wear shorts? #GolfChat
#Q6 submitted by @epicgolfgames: What would be your ideal “alternative” golf facility? #golfchat
Booted #GolfChat Question – Decided to boot this #GolfChat questions since I think we’ve covered Tiger Woods extensively. Did I make the right decision? Let me know.
Submitted by @golfgator1: Does Tiger ever win another tourney #golfchat
Golf Chatter Bio: @rickyleepotts
Real Name: Ricky Potts
Location: Phoenix, AZ
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
I pretty much drink craft beer exclusively. Of course, I like vodka, rum, whiskey and gin, too. Pretty much anything wet is good with me. Cheers!
How Did You Get Into Golf?
I started playing when I was young, but didn’t really care about the game until I was introduced to Tiger Woods. He changed the game for me. Matter of fact, he changed my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Tiger.
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
I work for Troon, the largest golf course management company in the world. I also own the Google+ GOLF Community trying to grow the game one status update after another. Every Friday I host the Friday Foursome, a Google+ Hangout On Air with brands worldwide. Oh, and I play a lot of golf, too. Why? I mean… It IS the greatest game ever played, after all.
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
All of them. Nothing trumps another.
Favorite Golf Quote?
“You can always become better.” – Tiger Woods
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
It used to be Scottsdale. Now I live here. So I guess my back yard!
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
It is growing in my world. I would play 5 days a week if I could.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
Zeb… I mean, he did come up with the idea and makes #GolfChat a reality every week. I am grateful he lets me share the questions with the Google+ GOLF Community.
Favorite Golfers and Why?
Tiger. There aren’t enough hours in the day to even begin to explain what he means to me. He is the only reason I started caring about golf and I won’t be able to die happy until I have 20 minutes with the man.
Weekly Reminders
Do you have updates to share with the #GolfChat community. Email me with the cool things you’ve been up to and I’ll be sure to share those with our #GolfChat members!
Comment below if you have any comments, questions, or ideas as it pertains to #GolfChat.
Learn more about some of my Top 82 Golf Twitter Accounts to follow in 2015 – http://19thholemedia.com/top-82-golf-twitter-accounts-follow-2015/
Want to get more involved with #GolfChat and be notified via email about upcoming #GolfChat’s and opportunities. Sign up for the #GolfChat newsletter! – https://welborn.leadpages.net/golfchat/
Do You Have Any Suggestions for #GolfChat Questions? Share Them With Us!
For more information about how to participate in #GolfChat, please check out this article – How to Participate in #GolfChat Twitter Chat – http://19thholemedia.com/how-to-participate-in-the-golfchat-twitter-chat/