Golf Chatter Bio: @DaveHeald

Real Name: Dave Heald
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?
I enjoy a cold beer in golf season and a Crown Royal on ice in the off season.
How Did You Get Into Golf?
My Dad used to take me fishing every Sunday morning. The only thing I ever caught was a cold so one day on the way home I asked if we could go golfing instead. I have never picked up a fishing rod since.
What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?
I am a Certified Professional Golf Instructor through C.G.T.F. and work at East Park Golf Gardens in London, Ontario as their Pro and Clubhouse Manager. For the last 3 years I have also written a weekly column during golf season for a local newspaper, The Londoner” called “Let’s Talk Golf”. Mostly tips and instruction with the odd opinion piece.
Favorite #GolfChat Topics?
Speeding up the Pace of Play. I believe it should be taught to all as a important part of Etiquette. I believe that most people who play too slow are not fully aware of the impact they are having on those who play behind them.
Favorite Golf Quote?
“Swing your Swing” (Arnold Palmer)
Favorite Golf Destination and Why?
In Canada there can be no finer golf experience that the Banff Springs in Alberta. Last spring I also had the pleasure of playing Kauai Lagoons. Very different golf experiences but both breath taking and worth a trip.
How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?
I know that the catch phrase these days is “Grow the Game” but I can’t help but wonder of we don’t need to pull back a little and consolidate our strong base. Golf grew at unsustainable rates for about 20 years and now we seem desperate to try and maintain that momentum. Golf is a great game and will always be here. I have to admit that I am not a fan of the non traditional offerings we are seeing like Fling Golf and Foot Golf. They look like fun activities but please don’t be fooled into thinking they are golf. In my opinion, they are simply ways for desperate owners to fill tee times.
Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?
I enjoy reading and participating with all who come on Tuesday evenings for #golfchat.
Favorite Golfers and Why?
I do like a lot about some of the new breed in today’s game like Rory, Jordan and Jason but there is only one and never will there be another Jack Nicklaus. |